Message from the CEO:
In 2020, Grupo Lamosa celebrated its first 130 years of presence in the construction market. Reaching a milestone of this nature implies a series of sustainable practices and values transmitted from generation to generation, which have allowed the company to endure over time and continue to grow in Mexico, as well as beyond its borders.
Grupo Lamosa’s ability to engage in a permanent dialogue with its different stakeholders and the capacity to reinvent itself and continue to innovate have been key variables that have enabled it to continuously adapt to different environments throughout its history.
During 2020, the company made progress with meeting its economic, environmental and social objectives, in accordance with its sustainability model, thereby contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Grupo Lamosa confirms its voluntary commitment to adhere to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. The company will continue to carry out actions aimed at endorsing the fight against corruption, promoting human and labor rights, and implementing sustainable practices for the benefit of the environment and the communities where it operates.
Federico Toussaint Elosúa
Chairman of the Board of Directors
and Chief Executive Officer
Social Development
Quality of life for employees and their families
Respect for
human rights
and diversity
Anti-corruption actions
Economic Development
Business model, product and process innovation
Economic value creation
Local supplier development
Investment in the community
Environmental Development
Emissions reduction
Product recovery
Communication media