During 2020, Grupo Lamosa completed 130 years of market presence, being one of Mexico’s few century-old companies. This outstanding trajectory largely reflects the good corporate governance practices that have been followed since the company’s founding.
The company has been listing its securities on the Mexican Stock Exchange for nearly 70 years, making its practices and results transparent for the benefit of the investing public.
Grupo Lamosa is regulated by the Securities Market Law and the Sole Circular for Issuers, which represents an important source of value generation for stockholders.
In 2020, the company presented a high degree of adherence to the Code of Corporate Practices issued by the Business Coordinating Council. It also has a Code of Ethics, through which conduct and behavior in the company are regulated.
Members of the Audit Committee
Carlos Zambrano Plant Chairman
Eduardo Padilla Silva
Eduardo Garza T Fernández
Maximino José Michel González
Members of the Corporate Practices Committee
Eduardo Elizondo Barragán Chairman
Bernardo Elosúa Robles
Armando Garza Sada