of innovative products and applications

Grupo Lamosa has focused on creating systems to identify industry trends, study consumers’ preferences and, through specialized research, design and development teams, continuously innovate with exclusive products.

During the year, the San Lorenzo and Cordillera brands in South America developed new high-end, high value added product lines.

Examples of such products are the collections that evoke the different cultures, environments, materials, textures and colors of Mexico’s different regions, which have been launched with great success over the past several years. Mexico City was the theme of the new 2018 collection, which to date has evoked a very positive response.

During the year, Grupo Lamosa implemented important initiatives to strengthen the presence and value of its brands, such as the giving of the second edition of the Firenze Entremuros Award, which received twice as many participants as in the first edition. This award recognizes young Mexican architects, who constitute the future of the profession in Mexico and are therefore a very important target market for the company’s products.

The San Lorenzo and Cordillera brands showed this same passion for innovation in 2018, developing new product lines and introducing high-end products with greater added value.

In parallel, the Adhesives Business continued to strengthen the value and presence of its brands, consolidating its position in the market through the development of new high-quality, high-performance specialized products for specific applications.