Since Grupo Lamosa believes that it is very important to report on the company’s social and environmental activities, as well as on financial aspects, for the second consecutive year it is presenting a report on sustainability.

In 2014, in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) guidelines, specific objectives were set for all economic, social and environmental indicators contained in Grupo Lamosa’s Sustainability Model. These objectives were disseminated across all levels of the organization, enabling their appropriate implementation and periodic monitoring.

Important actions were implemented during the year in this area, underscoring the company’s commitment to sustainable development and promoting a culture of transparency and accountability toward the different stakeholders.

During the fourth quarter of the year, Grupo Lamosa formally committed to the United Nations Global Compact, one of the world’s most important and effective sustainability initiatives that boasts more than 8,000 member companies from 135 nations. This entirely voluntary commitment implies an ongoing pledge to work to promote human rights, labor rights and environmental protection and to combat corruption.

Grupo Lamosa’s track record in the construction industry for more than a century would not have been impossible if, from the very beginning, the company had not placed sustainability as a focus of its actions. This focus, incorporated into the company’s vision and strategy, has positioned it to meet the demands of investors who expect an increasing amount of information on the social and environmental effects of the company’s activities.




  • Innovation in business model, products and processes
  • Creation of economic value
  • Development of local suppliers
  • Investments in the community
  • Quality of life for associates and their families
  • Respect for human rights and diversity
  • Anti-corruption initiatives
  • Social investment
  • Innovation
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Reduction of emissions, spills and waste
  • Product recovery



Customers Employees
and workers
  • Stockholders’ meetings
  • Area of investor relations
  • Transparency line
  • Meetings with analysts
  • Reports on results
  • Focus groups
  • Transparency line
  • Visits by commercial advisors
  • Website
  • Evaluation of the work environment
  • Transparency line
  • Career development plans
  • Transparency line
  • Signing of agreements and clauses in favor of human rights and sustainability
  • Development of local suppliers and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Community Government Academia Communication media
  • Transparency line
  • Donations program
  • Dialogs with neighbors
  • Volunteer projects
  • Participation in meetings and consultation forums on sustainability
  • Relations with government agencies
  • Agreements related to research projects
  • Plant visits
  • Support for students through work experience programs
  • Press conferences
  • Participation in interviews and reporting


During 2014, Grupo Lamosa’s nationwide network of production facilities allowed it to continue to drive the development of new alternatives for the sourcing of goods and services in the regions where it operates. New suppliers of raw materials, such as clay, pallets and cardboard boxes, were incorporated during the year and the company made agreements with new suppliers of spare parts and services to satisfy the needs of its plants.

  • More than 90% of Grupo Lamosa’s suppliers are domestic.

Grupo Lamosa, through institutions such as the Mexican Chamber of Industry (CAINTRA) and the Mexican Center for Competitiveness (CCMX), continued to actively participate in the promotion of programs for the development and professionalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). In partnership with CCMX in Tlaxcala, Querétaro, Tizayuca and Monterrey, the company was involved in different kinds of advisory services and training events, with the participation of suppliers to the Wall and Floor Tiles and Adhesives Businesses.

Participation of Grupo Lamosa suppliers in diploma courses and professionalization programs:


  2013 2014 Main Topics
Diploma Courses 10 6 Organizational culture, strategy, planning and innovation
Advisory Services 21 27 Administration, markets, finance, business operating processes and human resources


During the year, all Grupo Lamosa’s production facilities, across its different business units, presented clear objectives and goals for activities related to health and safety.

The main initiatives carried out in 2014 include:

  • Safety Week. Topics related to health and best safety practices were promoted during this event, which included campaigns for the early detection of health problems, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, color-blindness and diabetes. Some facilities, such as the Perdura Adhesives Plant in Guadalajara, received support from government institutions, including the Jalisco Health Ministry, the State Council against Addition and the State Council against Accidents and Disasters, for this initiative.

Health Day at the Perdura Adhesives Plant in Guadalajara
Brigades and simulations at the Italgres II Tile Plant in Guanajuato
Training in WSA techniques and machinery risks at the Porcel Tile Plant in Tlaxcala

  • Safety Training. Grupo Lamosa personnel were trained in Work Safety Analysis (WSA) during 2014, helping them to identify potential workplace risks and develop solutions to eliminate or control these risks. Best practices were promoted in such areas as how to lift heavy objects and the use of masks and safety glasses.

  • Brigades and Simulations. The company set up safety brigades and held simulations to train employees and workers in how to behave in times of crisis, covering such topics as what to do in a fire, first aid, evacuations, search and rescue, and the use and handling of extinguishers. In some cases, municipal and state authorities took part in the simulations, such as at the Benito Juárez Tile Plant where the initiative involved the participation of Civil Protection and the Health Ministry of the state of Nuevo León.

  • Sports Events. Sports events were held for operating and administrative personnel, with the promotion of family togetherness through Family Day, Children’s Day, the Safety Week Marathon, summer courses and family visits to work centers.

Sports events at the Kerámika Tile Plant in the state of Tlaxcala


The implementation of personnel recruiting and selection practices based solely on the requirements of the different jobs in question has given the company’s workforce diversity and the flexibility to adapt effectively to the changing environment.

Grupo Lamosa Personnel

  2014 2013
Employees Union Workers Total Total
2,220 3,380 5,600 5,521
1,716 3,052 4,768 4,762
Women 504 328 832 759
By age range
Less than 20 years old
1 45 46 44
20-29 years 428 1,185 1,613
30-39 years 958
1,341 2,299
40-49 years 536
685 1,221
50-59 years 272 115 387 461
More than 60 years old 25
9 34 28
Mexican 2,208
Other 12
12 4
2014 Loyalty Recognition Event

Grupo Lamosa retirees visit the Benito Juárez Tile Plant
  • Implementation of actions and initiatives to promote a culture of inclusion.

The company’s workforce includes handicapped employees and workers.


No. of
Kind of handicap Area
7 Physical, motor, visual or auditory Enameling, furnaces and warehouse


During 2014, Grupo Lamosa held a ceremony to recognize workers and employees with 10 or more years of service, thanking them for their efforts and dedication and promoting employee and worker loyalty.

In addition, different events were held to recognize the participation of women in the company’s operations and the contribution of retired workers to the growth of the organization.

The Mexican Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare recognized the Pavilion Tile Plant in Tlaxcala as an “Inclusive Company.”


In order to promote the values and principles included in the Grupo Lamosa Code of Ethics, during the year diverse activities were held to strengthen institutional practices in relation to conflicts of interest and complaints mechanisms.
  • Lamosa personnel reiterated their written commitment to abide by the guidelines of the Code of Ethics.
  • People who were new to the company were given instruction on the standards of conduct that they must observe while working at Grupo Lamosa.
  • Electronic complaints mechanisms related to the Transparency Line were improved during the year.


  Complaints handled through the Transparency Line Complaints related to acts of corruption handled during the year
2013 101 34
2014 97 27


To guarantee equal opportunities and in accordance with Grupo Lamosa’s employee and worker development plans, during 2014 personnel from the different business units participated in training programs on topics related to their work area and focused on the competencies they require to carry out their different function.
Training on carrying heavy loads at the Italgres II Tile Plant in Guanajuato
  2013 2014
Hours of training 115,726
Amount invested (millions of Mexican pesos) Ps $ 9.4 Ps $ 4.9


Grupo Lamosa is committed to voluntarily aligning its strategies and operations to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Being a member of the Global Compact means the company endorses the principles of the agreement and promotes a culture of transparency and accountability in human rights, labor rights, corruption and environmental protection.

Adhesion to the United Nations Global Compact in 2014


Grupo Lamosa’s sustainability objectives for 2014 defined a wide range of volunteer and social investment projects focused on helping the company’s neighboring communities. These initiatives were implemented with the active participation of personnel from the different plants and company support.
Personnel from the Porcel Tile Plant helping to repair a nursery school in San Marcos Contla, Tlaxcala

Personnel from the Crest Santa Clara Plant enjoying time with children at the Center for Children’s Adaptation and Attention (CAYAM)

Personnel from the Perdura Plant in Guadalajara visiting and helping to repair the facilities of the Escalar Children’s Home
Business Plant Project Location Activities
Adhesives Santa Catarina Crest Plant Support for the Center for Children’s Adaptation and Attention (CAYAM) Nuevo León Administrative and operating personnel took part in Children’s Day activities and helped distribute toys to more than 50 children.
Adhesives Tizayuca
Crest Plant
Support for the Rosas Rojas Children’s Home Hidalgo Employees and workers collected food, clothes and toys for 70 mistreated, abandoned or orphaned children.
Adhesives Guadalajara Perdura Plant Support for the Escalar Children’s Home Jalisco Plant personnel took part in wall- and fence-painting activities at the Escalar Children’s Home (dedicated to the rehabilitation of at-risk children).
Adhesives Chihuahua
Niasa Plant
Renovation of a local primary school Chihuahua Plant personnel donated materials and labor for school repair.
Adhesives Navojoa
Niasa Plant
Support for the San Juan de Dios Home Sonora Plant personnel visited senior
citizens with motor difficulties.
Tiles Tlaxcala
Porcel Plant
Renovation of a local pre-school Tlaxcala Plant personnel visited senior citizens with motor difficulties.
Tiles Tlaxcala Pavillion Tile Plant Participation in a food bank program Tlaxcala In coordination with the San Luis Teolocholco municipal authorities, plant personnel took part in a program for donating food to people in a vulnerable position.
Tiles Tlaxcala
Kerámika Plant
Visit to the Edad de Oro Old People’s Home Tlaxcala Plant personnel visited an Old People’s Home in San Judas Tadeo, with a population of 80 people.
Tiles San Luis Potosí Tile Plant Participation in activities of the Rino-Q Foundation San Luis Potosí Plant personnel took part in activities of the Rino-Q Foundation to help children with burn injuries.


In 2014, Grupo Lamosa carried out and evaluated activities and projects to enhance its energy efficiency, including:
  • Cogeneration systems.
  • The use of electricity from renewable sources.
  • The implementation of recommendations in energy diagnostics.
  • The installation of LED lighting.

During the year, a battery collection and recycling campaign (Ponte las Pilas Lamosa – 2014) was instituted at the company’s plants and offices in Nuevo León, with the active participation of employees and workers.

Total number of batteries collected Environmental impact
4,892 817 million liters of water * (that were not contaminated)
* Estimation based on one alkaline battery contaminating 167 liters of water.

Grupo Lamosa continued its reforestation activities in 2014, with personnel from the Crest Plant in Guadalajara, together with their families, planting trees in the Centinela Forest in Jalisco in partnership with the Mexican National Forestry Commission and the Zapopan municipal authorities.

  • 450 trees planted.

Grupo Lamosa continues to take part voluntarily in the Mexican National Environmental Audit Program. In 2014, the Kerámica Tile Plant in the state of Tlaxcala was certified as a Clean Industry.

During the year, the company implemented initiatives across its different businesses to identify areas of opportunity for reducing the consumption of wooden pallets.

  • In conjunction with a client from the Home Centers channel, the Tlaxcala tile business introduced a program for recycling pallets.
  • The Niasa Adhesives Plant in Navojoa introduced a pallet reuse program, reducing consumption by 10%.


All Grupo Lamosa plants operate with programs for recovering materials in accordance with internally established procedures. At its corporate headquarters, in 2014 the company continued the program for recycling paper, cardboard, aluminum and PET in conjunction with Copamex Reciclados.

  2013 2014
Wood 1,104,626
Cardboard / paper
540,895 424,451
242,400 225,623
Other 55,668 30,213
Total material recovered (Kg) 2,876,339 2,412,038