Our commitment
to sustainability

direct jobs
added to Grupo Lamosa
with the acquisition of
Cerámica San Lorenzo.

Message from the CEO:

In this report, Grupo Lamosa is presenting its sustainability results for the fourth consecutive year. The achievements of 2016 reflect the company’s focus on specific economic, social and environmental goals and objectives across the different levels of the organization in accordance with its sustainability model.

During the year, Grupo Lamosa took a great step forward when it acquired Cerámica San Lorenzo in South America, expanding its operations in Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia. This transaction, aligned with the company’s growth and diversification strategy, makes it a more global and diverse player but implies significant challenges and opportunities in the area of sustainability.

Aware of the importance of promoting actions to drive corporate social responsibility in the areas of Human and Labor Rights, the Environment and the Fight against Corruption, Grupo Lamosa reiterates its commitment to voluntarily complying with the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

direct jobs
added to Grupo Lamosa
with the acquisition of
Cerámica San Lorenzo.

million dollars
invested in the
purchase of
Cerámica San Lorenzo.

million m2
of annual tile
production capacity.

15 countries
across the Americas
where the company’s
products are sold.

million pesos
invested in 2016 to grow
production capacity and
update technology.

largest ceramic
producer, with
operating in
nations of
the American

Grupo Lamosa boasts a diverse labor force and respects cultural multiplicity as a factor for growth and development.

Grupo Lamosa boasts a diverse labor force and respects cultural multiplicity as a factor for growth and development.