Financial highlights

Figures in million pesos 2015 2016 VAR%
Net sales2 10,636 13,619 28
Sales abroad 1,594 2,916 83
Sales abroad / Net sales 15% 21%  
Operating income 1,788 2,441 37
Operating income / Net sales 17% 18%  
Comprehensive financing cost 639 1,115 75
Consolidated net income 701 672 (4)
Total assets 15,776 22,762 44
Total liabilities 9,305 15,563 67
Stockholders’ equity 6,471 7,199 11
Book value per share4 16.9 18.7 10
Operating cash flow (EBITDA)5 2,334 3,124 34
Capital expenditures 975 1,637 68
Total personnel 4,663 7,003 50

Net sales
(millions of pesos)

Export sales
(millions of pesos)

Operating income
(millions of pesos)

Consolidated net income
(millions of pesos)

financing cost

(millions of pesos)

Operating cash flow

(millions of pesos)


  • For purposes of comparison and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, figures exclude Sanitaryware operations, since they are considered to be discontinued.
  • The operations of Cerámica San Lorenzo are incorporated as of fourth quarter 2016.
1 In accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting Standards, 2015 results consider Sanitaryware operations as discontinued.
2 The operations of Cerámica San Lorenzo were included as of fourth quarter 2016.
3 Includes sales of foreign subsidiaries and export sales made from Mexico.
4 On a total of 382.1 million shares in 2015 and 385.8 million shares in 2016.
5 Operating income plus depreciation and amortization and other virtual items.
6 2015 figures exclude personnel of Sanitaryware, which was divested during the second quarter, and 2016 figures include personnel of Cerámica San Lorenzo, incorporated in the fourth quarter.