Corporate practices committee report
February 24, 2017
To the Board of Directors of Grupo Lamosa, S.A.B. de C.V. (“the Company”)
February 24, 2017
To the Board of Directors of Grupo Lamosa, S.A.B. de C.V. (“the Company”)

As Chairman of the Corporate Practices Committee, I would like to present to you the report on this Committee’s activities in relation to the financial year ended December 31, 2016 pursuant to Company Statutes and the current Law:
- We reviewed the previously defined goals, and individual and Company performance during the year, as well as any observations on the performance of Company officers.
- We reviewed the conditions and structure used to determine the total salary and benefit packages of the Chief Executive Officer and Company officers on the basis of market trends.
- No transactions with related parties were made during the year.
- This Committee gave no authorization for any board member, Company officer or person in a position of command to take advantage of business opportunities – either for themselves or for third parties – that correspond to the Company or its Subsidiaries, and is not aware that the Board of Directors or any other Committee has done so.
- The Corporate Practices Committee will continue carrying out all the actions necessary to comply with the legal and statutory requirements that govern it.

Eduardo Elizondo Barragán